
HMI & Display Repair


HMI & Display Repair UAE, HMI & Display Repair Dubai, HMI & Display Repair Sharjah, HMI & Display Repair Abu Dhabi,

HMI & Display Repair

We diagnose and repair all makes of Human Machine Interfaces, Industrial PCs, Touch screens, LCDs, CRT monitors, and TFTs as well as peripheral devices such as operator keyboards and remote access panels. From bulky CRTs to the slickest LCDs, we support a vast array of current and obsolete HMI Repair touch screen repairs. We repair industrial operator panels from the world’s leading brands including Siemens(Siemens Operator Panel Repair), ABB, Proface HMI Repair, Allen-Bradley(Allen Bradley Panel View Repair), Advantech, General Tech Automation has a solution for all the scenarios. With a huge inventory of LCDs, Touch screens, Membrane keypads, and external housing, available Ex Stock, the faulty Electrical Panel Cleaning can be revived without upgrading them to new versions within the least turnaround time. Our team can also provides softwMembrane keypads, and external housing, available Ex Stock, the faulty Electrical Panel Cleaning can be revived without upgrading them to new versions within the least turnaround time. Our team can also provides software backups and restore them after repair. All Electronic repair jobs are duly tested and carry a comprehensive warranty. If you are looking for HMI Repair and Display repair services in the UAE, please contact us.